How to Reassemble a Browning A5

As a kid, I used to disassemble things for fun.  That was the easy part.  Putting guns back together is way harder than taking them apart.  Through a lot of mistakes, I’ve learned several valuable lessons and various tricks.  Here’s a few general ones and some specific to the Browning A5.

Reassembly Tips

  • Put the gun back together in assembly groups.  This will help eliminate small parts from the bench first.

  • On this gun, all pins are punched in left to right.\

  • Test the gun’s functionality at each stage of the reassembly.  This will help you catch any early mistakes.

  • Keep the stock set aside so it doesn’t get damaged.

  • If you cannot get a gun back together, bring it to a professional gunsmith.

Required Tools

Make sure you have the following tools:

  • Screwdriver Set

  • Tiny Screwdriver Set

  • Punch Set

  • Extended Punch Set

  • Nylon/Brass Hammer

  • Bench Blocks

* Disclaimer: I don’t know the name of every part on this gun so if you need a reference, click here for a parts diagram.

Step 1: Trigger Group Assembly

  1. Put the safety in right to left aligning the notch with the trigger guard notch.  The safety is not reversible on this gun.

  2. Drop the ball detent down into the hole inside the trigger group.  You can use your fingers or pliers.  If you use a pliers, there’s a chance it will pop out so don’t grip it too hard.

  3. Set the trigger in.  Careful not to drop the ball detent out!

  4. Slide the trigger return spring (leaf spring) into the  grooves in the trigger group.  The spring has ears that align with those grooves.  Slide it in as far as possible and the let it go.  Tap it into place with a punch.  Be sure to align the screw holes.  Careful not to drop the ball detent out!

  5. Back the trigger in.  It should snap into place in the safety slot.

  6. Put the trigger pin in right to left.  The flared side (look for the line where someone has used a staking tool) is the side you will hammer. 

  7. Don’t pound this side through the hole!\

  8. Put the hammer into place.  The front hole is for the trigger assembly screws (holds the trigger into the receiver), and the other hole is for the hammer pin (also a flared pin).  Again, right to left.

  9. Now slide the main trigger spring over the post in side the trigger group and then rotate it pushing it forward.  It should slide down, over the trigger.  Line the screw hole up with the main spring hole.

  10. Put the main spring screw in.  This screw doesn’t have a retaining screw.

  11. Make sure the hammer cocks and releases.  Make sure the safety works as well.

  12. Next is the in-battery safety.  Cock the hammer to keep the main spring out of the way.  Put the spring and detent into the hole next to the trigger.  Hold the detent down with one finger and slide the in-battery safety down into place.  This keeps the gun from firing when the bolt is open.

  13. Trigger Group Reassembly (image)

Step 2: Bolt Group Assembly

  1. Start with the shell support.  It goes on the left side of the bolt.  Put the short spring into the back hole and sit the shell support on top of it.  Put the pin into the hole with the staked section at the top.  Slide it in and punch in the rest of the way below the surface of the bolt and above the bottom surface.  It should be recessed on both sides.\

  2. Next is the extractor on the right side of the bolt.  Put the extractor spring into hole and push the extractor from the front and set it down in.  Take the extractor pin (also staked) and line it up with the hole.  Punch it in.  This pin should also be recessed on both top and bottom. 

  3. Check to make sure it’s functioning properly.

  4. Put the locking lug back into bolt.  Slide it in through the top of the bolt.

  5. Slide the firing pin in with the notch up.

  6. Punch the firing pin retaining pin in.  This is also staked on each side.  It also goes in right to left.

  7. The remaining bolt parts must be put together inside of the receiver.  We will do this during the receiver assembly.

  8. Bolt Group Reassembly: Firing Pin (image)

Step 3: Butt Pad Assembly

  1. Push the screws through and put oil on them.  This will prevent damage to the butt pad.

  2. Screw the butt pad into the stock.  If the screws are stripped or if the wood is stripped, use wood glue and a dowel to close up the hole. 

  3. Redrill it.  Drop Johnson’s Paste Wax on the screw and epoxy in the hole and then screw it in.  Leave it for an hour.  Loosen the screw and clean off the Johnson’s Paste Wax.

  4. Set the stock aside.

Step 4: Receiver Assembly

  1. Put the magazine block in.  Line up the pin and punch it through.

  2. Take the magazine block spring and set it over the top of the magazine block.  Line up the screw hole and screw it down.  This screw should be tight—it can work its way out in operation.

  3. Now for the bolt drop.  Balance the bolt drop button on your finger and slide it into the receiver and into the hole.  Flip the receiver over and set in the bolt drop lever (aka the Carrier Latch Assembly) with the spring to the back.  Screw in the tiny screws.

  4. Slide the bolt into the receiver with the lever toward the stock.  Slide it in about half way.  Then take the bolt handle and slide it in.  Lift the lever of the locking lug and move the bolt all the way back.  Work the bolt handle and the bolt together.

  5. Line up the hole in the bolt to the notch on the outside of the receiver receiver.  Put the spring closed on both sides into the hole and set the locking block latch on top of it.  Then align the holes and put the pin in right to left.  The pin is also staked.  The staked side should be on the top.

  6. Make sure the bolt slides back and forth.

  7. Take the bolt return spring and put the plunger in and put the wooden dowel in.  Slide the plunger side of the spring into the tail of the receiver.  Line up the plunger with the lever on the bolt locking lug and feed it down into the tail of the receiver.  Hold the wooden dowel and the spring down with one finger as you put the retaining pin in.
    Now put in the two piece elevator/carrier assembly down into the receiver.  Align all the holes on the right side and put one of the screws in.  Then flip the receiver over and align the other holes.  Put that screw in.   Tighten both screws down until the notches for the retention screws line up.  Screw down the retention screws.

  8. Next is the elevator spring.  Start it on the peg.  Then push the spring down and underneath the other peg.  Now it should be spring-loaded.

  9. In order to put the trigger group in, the bolt must be all the way forward and the in-battery safety must be pushed out of the way.  As you slide the trigger group in, push it up and forward.  This should get it out of the way.  Once the holes align, put the two screws in like pins to hold it in place.  Then screw them into place making sure you align the retaining screw notches.  Then screw the retaining screws in.

  10. Receiver Reassembly: Installing the Elevator Spring (image)

Step 5: Barrel Assembly

  1. If you want to shoot magnum shells, slide the ring on with the taper toward the friction ring and the flat side toward the receiver.  Otherwise, slide the ring on with the flat side toward the spring.

  2. Put the main spring on.

  3. Grab the friction spring and brass ring.  The steel spring goes on the outside of the brass ring.  Make sure the two slots are opposite each other—these slots should not be on the same side.  Tap the steel spring with the hammer and then use a punch to center it.
    Slide the friction rings on and slide the barrel on with the ring aligned with taper on the friction rings.  Tap it down if necessary.

  4. Drop the follower in.

  5. Put the magazine spring into the magazine tube.

  6. 'Holding the magazine spring down, put the magazine spring retainer clip on.  Push it down and tap it into place.

  7. Slide the forearm on.

  8. There will be a gap between the receiver and the barrels/forearm.  Press the barrels/forearm into the gun.  This will close the cap.  While you hold it down, screw the magazine cap on.

Step 6: Final Assembly

  1. Put the magazine stop forward.

  2. Slide the stock on and screw the stock bolt in and screw the locking screw in.

  3. Test to see if the bolt locks back and the bolt drop button works.

  4. Check the trigger.

  5. Make sure the safety works.

Now you should have a fully assembled and functioning Browning A5!  We hope you found this how to reassemble the Browning A5 useful.  If you have any questions, comment below.  Thank you for reading!


How to Disassemble a CZ P-09


How to Disassemble a Browning A5