How to Disassemble a 1911 Series 70

This is 1911 has Caspian frame and slide, and because of the bull barrel, some of the disassembly steps are different than a standard 1911 A1GI.

Before getting started on this disassembly, make sure you have the following tools:

  • Screwdriver Set

  • Punch Set

  • Nylon/Brass Hammer

  • Bench Blocks

* Disclaimer: I don’t know the name of every part on this gun so if you need a reference please use a parts diagram.

Step 1: Remove Grips

  1. Unscrew the grip screws.

  2. The grip screw bushings should be staked in.  If they come out on the grip and you don’t need to get them out, leave them on the grip screw.

  3. If you need to get the grip screw bushings off the grip screw, clamp them in a vice, but be warned, it could ruin the bushing.

Step 2: Field Strip

  1. Take an allen key and fit it into the guide rod.  Unscrew and remove.

  2. Line up the notch in the slide with the take down lever.  Pull the take down lever out.

  3. Slide the frame off, but be sure to keep your thumb on the recoil spring.
    Push the spring toward the front of the gun, lift up, and pull it out.

  4. Remove the guide rod.

  5. From the front of the recoil spring housing, push barrel bushing toward the back of the slide and pull it out.

  6. Pull the barrel out of the front of the slide.  The barrel link pin is press fit.  Removing it can cause it to get loose.  I would not recommend taking it out.  If you need to replace the link, be sure to use an oversize pin when you install the new one.

  7. Keep your thumb on the recoil spring as you slide the slide off of the frame

Step 3: Slide Disassembly

  1. Use a punch to drift out the dovetail sights.

  2. Press the firing pin forward toward the front of the gun.  Keep your finger over the firing pin so it doesn’t spring and pull up on the end plate.

  3. Release the firing pin.  Pull the firing pin and spring out and separate the spring from the firing pin.

  4. Next remove the extractor by hooking a punch under the lip and pull up.  If it doesn’t pull out, check the breech face.  Sometimes the extractor is bent into the breech face and you have to push it toward the outside to remove it.

  5. Firing pin (image)

Step 4: Frame Disassembly

  1. Release the tension from the main spring by pressing the grip safety, holding the hammer, and pulling the trigger

  2. Using a punch, remove the main spring housing retain pin.  The main spring housing should slide out and so should the sear leaf spring.

  3. Remove the safety on the right side of the gun.  You might be able to wiggle it out with your fingers.  Otherwise, use something soft and wedge-like get it out.  A carpenter shim works well.

  4. Remove the safety on the left side of the gun.  Cock the hammer.  Cup the safety and the detent tube with your fingers.  This will ensure nothings springs when you remove the safety.  Remove it by prying up and wiggling it.

  5. Slide out the grip safety.

  6. From the right side of the gun, press the hammer pin up, and from the left side of the gun, pull the pin out with your fingers.  Slide the hammer out.

  7. Again, from the right side of the gun, press the sear pin up, and from the left side of the gun, pull it out with your fingers.  Dump the sear and the disconnector out of the gun.

  8. Take the magazine release out.  Be aware that it looks like a screw but is not.  Push the magazine release up from the opposite side and slowly twist with a flat head screwdriver.  The part should free itself with a quarter turn.  Remove the spring inside the magazine release and separate the spring and plunger.Slide the trigger and trigger stirrup out of the back of the gun.

  9. Cup the safety detent as you remove the safety (image)

Step 5: Magazine Disassembly

  1. The magazines for this gun were Wilson Combat magazines which disassemble much like other magazines.  Using a punch, push through the hole in the bottom and slide the plastic plate off.  Then slide the metal plate off and remove the spring.

Step 6: Main Spring Housing Disassembly

  1. Use two punches.  One to compress the main spring housing and the other to push out the pin from outside to inside.  The pin should push out and the spring should pull out.

  2. Separate the plunger from the spring and dump out the detent from the main spring housing.

  3. Main Spring Housing and Spring (image)

That’s how to completely disassemble a 1911 Series 70.  We hope you found this video and explanation useful.  If you have any questions, comment below.  Thank you for reading!


How to Reassemble a 1911 Series 70


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